Not all workouts for slim legs from YouTube are good for you. If you’re like me, too many squats, Bulgarian split squats, or walking lunges make your thighs go bulky. Because of very low levels of testosterone, many experts say that women can’t get bulky from resistance training. Well, I’m living proof that they can. I gain muscle easily. To know what I exactly did to reduce the size of my thighs, keep on reading.
Low-Carb Diet – The Game Changer
Wanting to have lean legs, I tried everything from running, lifting, pilates, you name it. Even though I was in a calorie deficit, I didn’t lose fat until I didn’t change the way I ate. My goal was and still is to maintain lean muscle mass while losing fat.
Flour products, sweets, foods containing corn syrup, and starches elevate your blood sugar levels. By releasing insulin, your body helps the muscles and the liver process glucose (sugar). The cells use the glucose they need for energy and store the rest in form of fat. The purpose of the low-carb diet is to keep your blood sugar level steady and force your body to tap into its fat stores for energy instead of using glucose.
In the blog post “Effective Diet For Slim Legs” I provide details on how exactly I supported the workout routine with a low-carb diet.
Workouts For Slim Legs
Not having time for a workout is just an excuse. The leg workouts I recommend take ten to twenty minutes to complete. I work out five times a week, exercising my whole body. This is what it looks like:
- Monday: legs and abs workout
- Tuesday: yoga and cardio
- Wednesday: legs, butt, and abs workout
- Thursday: arms, back workout, and cardio
- Friday: legs, butt, and abs workout
- Saturday: house cleaning
- Sunday: rest
If possible, I try to exercise in the morning before breakfast. After waking up, the body’s blood sugar level is low, so there’s a high chance that the body will go to fat stores for energy. I recommend buying a tracking watch, such as FitBit to know when exactly your body reaches the fat burn zone based on your heart rate. After finishing your workout, please stretch, it’s important to elongate your muscles.
Having a dog helps, during one hour walk I burn around 300 calories. Walking is essential if you want to lose fat on your thighs. As for cardio, I jog or speedwalk for half an hour. In case of bad weather, I move my cardio inside and spend about forty minutes on a stationary bike.
Workout Videos For Slim Legs
Below you can find a YouTube playlist with my favorite workouts for slim legs. Using only your body weight, videos focus on high repetition. This type of workout will help you lose thigh fat without bulking your legs up. Don’t forget to change your routine after four weeks as your body will get used to the movements and becomes more efficient.